Physiosports Brighton

PHYSIOSPORTS BRIGHTON Physiotherapy, Podiatry, Massage, Rehabilitation, Clinical Pilates, Real Time Ultrasound, Dry Needling..

Physiosports Brighton was established in 2001 and is now the market leader in sports injury management in the local area.

Services include Physiotherapy, Podiatry, Massage, Rehabilitation and Clinical Pilates, as well as the specialist services of Bike Set-up, Golf Injury Assessment and Real Time Ultrasound examination.

Directors Paul Visentini and Steven Whytcross work with a talented team of practitioners to provide quality care and service to individuals of all ages and all levels of activity.

At Physiosports there is a strong emphasis upon Postgraduate education and evidence based practice.

Appointments are for 30 minutes and the approach is predominately hands-on, all of which allows us to offer our clients the best standard of management, whether they be recreational walkers or elite triathletes!

Our Services:

From elite athletes to office workers, we have physiotherapists with the experience to suit your requirements. With an emphasis on a ‘hands-on approach’, our sessions run for 30 minutes, which allows time for assessment, diagnosis and treatment.

Rehabilitation sessions are personalised, one-on-one exercise sessions supervised by a physiotherapist. The aim is to provide patients with a comprehensive and injury specific exercise program to ensure optimal recovery.

Clinical Pilates
These classes are run by physiotherapists with a Pilates qualification in one-on-one sessions or small groups (up to four). Pilates is a low impact workout that improves flexibility, core stability, posture, general strength and overall fitness.

Real Time Ultrasound
The Real Time Ultrasound Imaging Assessment allows us to accurately assess the function of the core muscles. It can also be used as a training tool to ensure that the patient is activating their core correctly during general exercise and Pilates.

Whether it be remedial, relaxation, sports or deep tissue, a Physiosports massage can benefit you.

Our podiatrists offer the full spectrum of biomechanical advice, from footwear type to stretching and strength, as well as general foot care and making orthotics. We provide you with a comprehensive treatment plan for any lower limb injuries and problems.

Running Assessment
Our emphasis is that you are as efficient and controlled as possible to allow you to run without overload and imbalance, thus preventing injury.

Bike Set-Up Assessment
Your positioning while riding will affect not only your ability and efficiency, but also influence injury. Bike set-up involves measuring your body, your bike and technique using video analysis.

Golf Assessment
Utilising digital swing analysis, Real Time Ultrasound Assessment and a golf-specific musculoskeletal screening protocol, we implement a program to rectify your specific physical limitations.

Dry Needling
Acupuncture needles are placed into muscle trigger points in order to treat soft tissue structures, pain and chronic injuries.

Prior to commencing training or activity, we provide a full screening assessment covering joint movement, biomechanics, muscle strength and flexibility. This can prevent injury and enable you to plan your training regime in order to reduce the risk of injury and optimise performance.

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